Thursday 6 June 2013

15 Million Reasons We’re Told to Eat a Low-Fat Diet

Boy Eating a Sandwich, LargeFor the past 6.5 years, I have been pretty much obsessed with nutrition and health.
At first, I thought the government was mostly right and I blindly accepted conventional wisdom.
But as I dug into the literature, I realized that the mainstream authorities seem to have got it mostly wrong.
Their recommendations are based on outdated sciencethat has been thoroughly debunked in the past few decades.
The diet they ALL seem to recommend… a low-fat, calorie restricted diet, has been proven to be useless.
In a massive study that included tens of thousands of people, women who follow such a diet for 7.5 years end up weighing only 0.4kg (1 lb) less than women eating the standard western diet. There is also no effect on heart disease (12).
I asked myself… what is the reason they are still pushing a diet that is proven to be ineffective for the people it is supposed to be helping?
Well, I’ve realized that there are many good reasons for this. In fact, there are tens of millions of good reasons.
It turns out that the organizations that tell us what to eat and why are being sponsored by the food and drug companies, by millions of dollars every year.
The diet these organizations recommend keeps people dependent on the foods and drugs these companies sell. There is such a massive conflict of interest going on that these organizations can not be trusted.

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Logo
The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) is “the world’s largest organization of food and nutrition professionals” and formerly known as the American Dietetic Association.
Most health professionals associated with the AND are Registered Dietitians and Dietetic Technicians.
Registered dietitians in the U.S. receive their license from this organization. The AND also has a research journal and is a highly influential organization in shaping public nutrition policy.
The AND recommends that people eat a low-fat, calorie restricted diet rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean meats, vegetable oils and low-fat dairy products.
They encourage the consumption of sugar as part of a “healthy, balanced diet.”

Who Sponsors The AND?

It is scary that this highly influential health organizations, which educates Registered Dietitians (RDs) and grants them their licenses, is heavily sponsored by companies that sell the unhealthy foods that are making people fat, sick and diabetic.
The corporate sponsors of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics:
  • The Coca Cola Company
  • Pepsico
  • Kellogg’s
  • General Mills
  • Hershey’s
  • Truvia
  • SoyJoy
  • Abbott Nutrition
  • National Dairy Council
  • Unilever
Don’t believe me? It’s right here on the AND’s official website.
Is it possible that this highly influential organization recommends that people eat a high-carb, grain-based diet that includes sugar… because it profits their corporate sponsors?
If you want to learn more about the massive conflicts of interests of the AND, readthis damning report created by Michele Simon of Eat Drink Politics.
One of many things uncovered in this report is that companies like Coca Cola and Pepsico provide continuing education courses to RDs… where among other things, they’re “taught” that sugar isn’t harmful to children.

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